Friday, May 31, 2013

[Videos] PSY’s Gentleman performances in Italy and Germany

[Videos] PSY’s Gentleman performances in Italy and Germany

Immediately after the Italian promotion, he went to Germany, where he sung Gentleman at “Germany’s Next Top Model 2013″. There he met the beautiful Heidi Klum, who stopped by PSY’s green room and said “Thank you PSY”, as the singer let us know through his twitter account.

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[News] PSY at The Voice of Italy

[News] PSY at The Voice of Italy

After the bad experience in Rome, PSY went to Milan in order to performe at the tv show “The Voice of Italy”.

The filming place were the Rai TV Studios in Milan, where many fans gathered in order to take parte at the program. In fact it was organized a tv flashmob for this occasion. Fans had learnt previously a simple choreography of “Gentleman” and danced it while PSY was singing and dancing live in the studios.

If you have the possibility, on May 30th at 9 p.m. on the Italian tv channel Rai 2, you can see the flashmob with the singer, who didn’t forget to remember it to us through his twitter account.

Moreover, Italian fans there managed to express their love and support for PSY, making him smile and feeling happy. They also prepared posters with drawings and supporting phrases and some presents for him, which touched his heart : he thanked fans on his twitter and retwetted some of the messages left after the show recording.

He’s now in Germany, in the city of Mannheim. Wish him good luck!

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

[News] Psy to join Jakarta concert

[News] Psy to join Jakarta concert

World sensation Psy will be performing in Indonesia during a July concert celebrating 40 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Psy will perform at Glora Bung Karno Stadium located in Jakarta, Indonesia on July 6th. The concert will be sponsored by Korea Tourism Organization and City of Seoul, and Psy will be performing with a number of different Indonesian singers as well.

YG Entertainment said, “Psy was invited to the event to celebrate 40 years of close ties between Korea and Indonesia”, and added that the singer is not staging a solo concert.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Japan Blames Psy For American Idol’s Low Ratings


You know, denial is not just a river in Egypt…

Even though Psy‘s massive popularity is worldwide, the trend has not really reached Japan. Some even speculate that the Korean pop star’s overseas fame is a well maintained like and his YouTube views are a result of hired hands clicking refresh. Given this, it comes without a shock that some Japanese are blaming American Idol‘s finale’s lowest ratings, dropping below 20 million viewers.

A little bit over 14.3 million people watched this year’s finale, wich is 33 percent lover than las year’s 21.5 million. Psy performed his latest hit single, Gentleman. Some people commented:

Not surprising. He’s not so popular.


That’s lame, even for him.

And even:

It’s because you can’t refresh a TV program!

But Psy was not the only performer of the night, the roster included Marian Carey, The Band Perry, Frankie Valli and Jennifer Lopez. Still, Japanese anti-fans say that if the Korean singer was actually popular, the finale would’ve recorded billions of viewers.

SOURCE: Rocket News 24

PSY Gets Booed At Italian Soccer Cup Final


Pretty harsh!

The boos started shortly after Korean rapper PSY took the stage at the half time show during the Italian Cup final soccer match between Roma and Lazio. To try and drown out the booing the organizers of the event made the decision to raise the volume of the music.The booing might have been racist in nature as fans of both clubs have been known to have a history of racist chanting.

In fact police ended up confiscating bags of weapons including knives, clubs, and rocks before kickoff. This did not deter violent clashes from occurring. Lazio ended up winning the final match with a score of 1-0 against Roma. I guess PSY wasn’t able to calm the already stirred up emotions of the crowd like the organizers were hoping when they booked the performer. Sports fans in any country are passionate to say the least.

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SOURCE: The Korea Herald, ForzaRomaINFO

[News] PSY booed by football fans at the derby Roma-Lazio

[News] PSY booed by football fans at the derby Roma-Lazio

PSY performed on May 26th at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome for the Final Italian Cup.

The intention was to give the football fans an enjoyable moment before the beginning of the match, hoping it would calm down the two opposing groups of supporters.

It was his first time in Italy and he was really happy, so much so that he posted two photos of him on twitter, one when he had arrived in the city and the other before the performance.

Instead of cheers, PSY received boos from both Lazio and Roma fans, some of them also blew up a firecracker. For this reason, after the songs ended he said a “Grazie” (Thank you in Italian) and left the stage visibly embarassed.

As many of you may not know, Italian football fanatics cause everytime many accidents, before, during even after the matches. Boos, insults, racist chants, firecracker, violence, throwing of rocks or eggs, unfortunately the list can be longer, but there is not yet a resolution to it.

The reaction of Italian K-Pop fans as they received the news of PSY coming to Italy for the derby was of concern. Many of them had left comments saying “I’m happy PSY comes here, but I’m worried for the atmosphere that is going to welcome him” , “Surely football supporters are going to boo at him. This is not the occasion for a performance of PSY. Why did the organizers invite him?”, “I hope everything will go well, he’s a great artist”. Their reaction is caused by the fact that they already knew the behavior of people during footbal matches. In fact, after his performance, many of them posted status of anger,deep embarassment and excuses, even if they weren’t at the stadium and they were supporting him. Moreover they kept on trending “#psyneedsrespect” in order to show their support.

Football fans at the match were not K-Pop fans, interested only in the match. Of course this is not an excuse for their disrespectful behaviour. PSY was not the only artist booed at a football match and probably he won’t be the last.

Sources : and PSY official twitter.

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Monday, May 27, 2013

Fake Psy Tricks His Way into Monaco Grand Prix

David Hasselhoff-psy fake
Psy lookalike, Denis Carré, has tricked his way into yet another A-lister event just days after he worked his way into some A-list events in Cannes over the weekend.

The fake Psy seemed to have dupe some big names including Amanda Holden and David Hasselhoff, who both took pictures with Carré. The pictures were then uploaded onto their celebrity Twitter accounts.

Amanda Holden tweeted with the pictures, ‘Not sure if this guy is kosher?! Rumours circulating he was a fake? What do YOU think?!’.

The Hoff, however, was more convinced that it wasn’t the real Psy tweeting, ‘Was that really PSY ? I think not!!’.

Amanda Holden- Psy Fake

PSY Gets Booed At Italian Soccer Cup Final


Pretty harsh!

The boos started shortly after Korean rapper PSY took the stage at the half time show during the Italian Cup final soccer match between Roma and Lazio. To try and drown out the booing the organizers of the event made the decision to raise the volume of the music.The booing might have been racist in nature as fans of both clubs have been known to have a history of racist chanting.

In fact police ended up confiscating bags of weapons including knives, clubs, and rocks before kickoff. This did not deter violent clashes from occurring. Lazio ended up winning the final match with a score of 1-0 against Roma. I guess PSY wasn’t able to calm the already stirred up emotions of the crowd like the organizers were hoping when they booked the performer. Sports fans in any country are passionate to say the least.

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SOURCE: The Korea Herald, ForzaRomaINFO

Sunday, May 26, 2013

[News] Dance Flashmob with PSY at an Italian TV

[News] Dance Flashmob with PSY at an Italian TV

PSY will be in Italy to perform at the Final Italian Cup of football in Rome (26th May) but this is not the end because Flash Mob Milano has organized an incredible dance flashmob with the singer at an Italian TV studio on May 28th.

Only 600 people can take part at this event and have the opportunity to dance on the notes of “Gentleman” with PSY. After giving the name to the organizers by email, on Tuesday they will go to the studios and have rehearsals before the recording of the show.

What should the partecipants do? Of course learning the choreography of his new hit song Gentleman (provided by FlashMob Milano’s tutorial video) and have fun together during the flashmob.

The city of Milan will resound definitely to the beat of Gentleman throughout the day!

Source: Flash Mob Milano Facebook page

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[News] PSY Rocks the Singapore Social Stage with ‘Champion’, ‘Gentleman’, and ‘Gangnam Style’

PSY,Champion,Gentleman,Gangnam Style
[News] PSY Rocks the Singapore Social Stage with ‘Champion’, ‘Gentleman’, and ‘Gangnam Style

Global superstar PSY returns to Singapore for the second time to sing his smash hit, ‘Gangnam Style’ for Social Star Awards (23/05) and Singapore Social Concerts (24/05).

He performed as the third singer after girl group BLUSH and Canadian pop-singer Carly Rae Jepsen, and opened up with ‘Champion’, a song from his 2002 release.

On stage, PSY thanked the audience how their cheer and dance has made him happy. “It’s been about 10 months since I have not gone home. I feel lonely. But thanks to you all Singaporeans here, your dance and cheer, even though you don’t understand the language, makes me not so lonely anymore. So one more time, let’s jump!”

He also ended his performance with his other latest hits, ‘Gentleman’ and ‘Gangnam Style’, making the crowd go wild at Singapore Social 2013 and all the crowd immediately went up on their feet to dance along to the notorious horse dance.

Were you there? would like to thank Full Circle and Starcount team for the inaugural invitation and success. Social Star Awards will return in 2014, so who will headline next?

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Fake PSY’s Identity Revealed!

Fake PSY's Identity Revealed!

We reported before that there was a fake PSY that went around the Cannes film festival. On May 23, the fake PSY went around singing "Gangnam Style" and even had an entourage of three bodyguards follow him around. He was able to trick numerous celebrities and drink fancy wine in club VIP rooms."

His real name is "Denee Jaewan Curry." (Might not be spelled right, Korean name is Kim Jae Wan) He was born in Seoul but god adopted in France when he was 3 years old.

Denee was interviewed by SBS "8 o'clock news." During the interview he stated, "At clubs I heard that I look a lot like PSY, which is why I decided to impersonate him. PSY has changed my life. I am not that good at Korean and I haven't been to Korea yet, but because of PSY Korea's image has become so good, I would like to meet PSY in person." 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

1 Night 2 Days: Episode 439

EPISODE 439. Broadcast on May 19, 2013.

girlfriday: Hm, we begin with a teaser of separate interviews, with each of the boys talking about… each other? This oughtta be good.

javabeans: Notably they're all wearing matching jammies and saying (in highly edited, potentially misleading clips) that the trip will invite some reexaminations of friendships and some criticism of characters. Let's hope it's not just a big build-up to a fake-out. AHEM.

girlfriday: God, no kidding. But it does sound promising. The snippets we get are pretty juicy. Tae-hyun: "He pisses me off." Joo-won: "He's changed." Jong-min: "They'll probably swear at me." And then the trip starts as the boys arrive one by one in Busan.

javabeans: Jong-min and Tae-hyun find a thousand-won bill right there on the ground (about a dollar) and have this hilarious immediate reaction of glee mixed with self-consciousness: Can I take it? The cameras saw me. Is this okay? What am I supposed to do?

girlfriday: They decide it's a sign of good things to come, and join the other guys for the opening. All the guys mention happy memories they have of traveling to Busan, while Jong-min remembers suddenly hauling ass to army in the middle of shooting 1N2D here. Ha.

javabeans: Busan also brings to mind a more bustling image than they're used to on their nature-themed tours, and New PD, who totally doesn't merit a cool nickname anymore or yet, says that these days "city tours" are all the rage. Also, it's a 50th anniversary for the city. In any case, the guys tend to like the city trips, don't they? Less opportunity for roughing it outdoors?

girlfriday: And many more opportunities for snacks?

javabeans: Although Busan IS famous for being seaside, so I'm thinking a nice cold dunking is in order at some point.

girlfriday: New PD says they have a three-part team mission for lunch today, so they head out together toward the shore. The first mission at Haeundae calls for someone with "jumping skills." How much you wanna bet that's a jump into the ocean?

javabeans: The missions are marked by levels of difficulty, and the boys try to predict who takes what based on what might be in store. There's a lot of guesswork in this, and I bet it'll all end up a wash anyway, but they split up into teams based on athleticism. The first team of Jong-min, Tae-hyun, and Joo-won arrive at the beach and are shown to a big supply of inner tubes, which they have to stack twenty high. Is the "jumping" because they have to reach that high?

girlfriday: That's not jumping. That's insanity. They figure the only way to do it is for one of them to carry the other on his shoulders, which seems like it'll work. But Joo-won can only carry Jong-min long enough to stack one tube before he has to be put down. This could take a while. Hae-jin and Shi-kyung arrive at the second mission, which has an ominous set of stairs leading upward.

javabeans: The theme of today's trip is to build friendship, and Shi-kyung says that there's too much age difference for him and Hae-jin to be "friends" (in the sense that Hae-jin to him would always be a hyung or a sunbae). Hae-jin's all, Ah, we friends, and Shi-kyung says, "Hae-jin-ah!" Lol. Yeah, it totally doesn't work.

girlfriday: Nice try though. This mission is way harder than the other one. They have to piggyback each other up 175 stairs, and answer quiz questions at the top. If they're wrong, it's back down to the bottom to start all over.

javabeans: Ouuuch. Shi-kyung piggybacks Hae-jin pretty comfortably, but it's when they switch that the trouble kicks in.

girlfriday: Hahahaha. Over on the Haeundae Team, the boys stare up at their tower of tubes forlornly, and then Jong-min shouts, "Wait! We can DIG a hole!" It's like simultaneously genius and idiotic.

javabeans: They try digging for about a minute before they figure out they can't exactly dig a twenty-foot hole in the beach. Jong-min comes up with a good idea, though, and proposes making two stacks, then lifting one on top of the other one already stacked. The problem, of course, is transferring that tower without it falling over.

girlfriday: I think they have the right idea, but it's easier said than done. Shi-kyung and Hae-jin get to the top of the hill and find out their quiz questions will be about each other. Whoops, guess you should've used that piggybacking time to get to know each other better.

javabeans: Shi-kyung is asked what Hae-jin's favorite girl group is, and Hae-jin gapes: "How can he know what I don't know myself?" But then he has a thought and remembers (?) his favorite, and commences to try to telepathically eye-blink or gesture the answer to Shi-kyung. He leans in and says, "You know. My favorite girl group."

girlfriday: Dude, he's writing something on Shi-kyung's back, isn't he?

javabeans: PD suddenly shouts, "No touching!" Ha, that makes me think of Arrested Development.

girlfriday: Me too!

javabeans: Sigh I miss that show. (It's coming back though! Let's hope they don't ruin it.) So anyway, on the count of three they both shout, "2NE1!" and try to pretend that they were totally just talking about it in the car. I'm thinking Hae-jin just wrote 21 on his back real big.

girlfriday: Totally. But the PD outsmarts them anyway on the next question when they guess Tae-hyun's blood type correctly, and he asks them if they want a chance to swap answers at the last minute. Sneaky. They fall for it, so back down the hill they go.

javabeans: Never take the swap chance! It's always a fake out!

girlfriday: Right? The fact that he's asking is the clue that you're right!

javabeans: Think: If you got it wrong, would he really give you a chance to get it right and avoid the extra hike and pain? Also, are 70% of all Koreans seriously Type A? That is a nation full of uptight control freaks. Said one.

girlfriday: Yeah that's a lot of overachievy craziness multiplied. Su-geun and Tae-woong go to the market, and the first thing they do is taste some crab. I think they picked the best mission.

javabeans: The crab ajumma shows them her super-fast technique for pulling out the leg meat, and the boys are told they're going to race her. Dude. That is impossible. They'll both be working to get as much done in a minute, but she's speedy. They give it a try before the race begins, and end up just chopping a bunch of legs in half with no meat.

girlfriday: Omg my mouth is watering so badly. Why so delicious-looking? My only concern for this mission is, who gets to eat all those crab legs they cut open?

javabeans: The ajumma zips through her huge tray of crab legs, and the boys try to slow her down and distract her with questions. I don't think it works very well.

girlfriday: When we cut back to the other two missions, there's a whole lot of fighting going on. So far this friendship special isn't really going as planned.

javabeans: Hm, the show is continuing with the confessional format. This is new. Have they been watching Real World or something?

girlfriday: Hell, as long as there aren't guests, I'll take Real World confessionals any day.

javabeans: …you know what's coming, right?

girlfriday: Sigh, let's not speak of it until we have to. Anyway, the tube stacking mission just takes forever and it's raining, so the PD lets them go down to 16 tubes. They get close, but it tumbles again, and I'm pretty sure Tae-hyun's going to deck Jong-min at some point.

javabeans: Jong-min is rubbing everyone's nerves raw because he keeps yelling at important concentration moments, and it's just today's catchphrase, "We're all friends! We're all friends! 1 Night 2 Days!" tumble-crash-tumble. Tae-hyun finally tells him to just not say anything, and in confessional Jong-min admits that Tae-hyun gets scary sometimes. But Jong-min's shouting is seriously that one annoying thing that can make you blow up, because he won't stop. The boys manage to stack up almost all the tubes, then lift Joo-won up to add the last few since he has the longest limbs.

girlfriday: Okay, now that they're close, it's getting tense. I really don't want them to have to start all over.

javabeans: That might kill the friendship. It's worse because it's so tall that Joo-won is throwing the last tube on top, and every time it misses it shakes the already precarious tower. But thankfully they get their required height and then Tae-hyun tackle-hugs Jong-min, so I think all is well.

girlfriday: Yay, and not even one black eye!

javabeans: The crab team fails rather spectacularly at their race, but Su-geun and Tae-woong just start figuring out the knack of it after they finish. I suspect a rematch is in order.

girlfriday: It cracks me up how Su-geun turns everything into a sport, even crab-leg-cutting, but I guess that's why he wins at games.

javabeans: I really like the Hae-jin and Shi-kyung team. They're adorable together. I think Hae-jin brings out Shi-kyung's funnier side, which makes it a good pairing. Plus, they keep failing their matching quiz and every time they are given a choice of two things and don't match their answers they have to keep spinning in circles, so they're staggering around all dizzy.

girlfriday: Yeah they're cute, and Shi-kyung has fun ribbing Hae-jin, so they must get along rather well.

javabeans: They answer everything as opposites (mountain versus sea, IU versus SNSD), so maybe they get along 'cause they're so different.

girlfriday: I love the conversations as they're spinning. "I like mountains!" "I'm sorry!" *spin spin spin*

javabeans: They finally complete the mission by agreeing, but I feel like at this point they're answering what they think will win, not what they really think, which is probably also why it takes them so long. Ha. Then Shi-kyung mentions that he owes IU a meal (Hae-jin answered IU) as an invitation to include him, and Hae-jin's all, "I made a good friend."

girlfriday: The crab team fails again but they're getting better, and Su-geun finally asks where they keep taking all the crab away to. That's what I wanna know! The PDs actually agree to loosen up on the challenge, mostly because they're spending too much money on crab. Ha.

javabeans: The next round is half the time, and the boys are starting to get the knack of crab-leg-cracking, so they finally win and then pass out all the stacks of crab legs to the public. So now all the teams have succeeded at their tasks but the challenge isn't over yet because there's a time limit here: If they all make it back by noon they get a nice fancy seafood barbecue lunch. If they don't, well, there's a big ol' bucket of fish cake skewers awaiting them. Actually it's not even that big. Sadface.

girlfriday: The crab team goes to pick up the piggyback team, while the Haeundae crew walks. But no one seems all that sure where they're going… The Haeundae guys arrive first and send Joo-won out to meet the other boys, and they finally arrive for a mad dash down the pier, and everyone makes it on the yacht with two minutes to spare. Yay, big fancy lunch!

javabeans: While waiting in the yacht, Jong-min and Tae-hyun are sitting at the fancy spread just dying to eat lunch, and Jong-min—who previously was all, "We'll be great as long as nobody betrays anybody"—suggests that maybe only the winners should get to eat. It was a pretty close call though, and Joo-won looked pretty serious there. I think he might've gotten mad if they didn't make it.

girlfriday: There would've been tears, especially since they got there early and got to SEE the food they could've had.

javabeans: Shi-kyung grills, Joo-won serves, and the rest of the hyungs sit back and eat like kings. Then the yacht heads out for a sail, and they're told t expect a lot of turbulence. After lunch?

girlfriday: But they still lie out on the deck like it's bright and sunny, even though it's gray and rainy.

javabeans: Jong-min has to lie down from the seasickness, and Joo-won joins him soon thereafter. Jong-min really looks like he's suffering. At least Joo-won is able to laugh, "It's punishment time" and finds Jong-min saying, "Jagi-ya…" Tae-hyun is third in the bed of punishment.

girlfriday: Meanwhile, Hae-jin is outside, climbing the mast for fun. After lunch, the boys go on a double decker bus tour, and while waiting Shi-kyung strikes up a conversation with a few Australian tourists. His English is good.

javabeans: We've heard it a couple times before but this is the best he's been, I think. The other boys are just shouting out English words like "Korean!" and "Fantastic!" but he's carrying on a polite conversation and gets the woman interested enough to want a photo with them, haha. The boys pile onto a double-decker bus for the city tour.

girlfriday: After that, they head to a college campus that's on an island.

javabeans: In fact, the island IS the school. That's pretty cool. Or really small.

girlfriday: It's really pretty. It's a maritime policy academy, and everyone's in uniform. Dude, this school has an American football team??

javabeans: They call it rugby. I… don't know the difference. The boys are like, "You want us… to play against THEM?" Su-geun proposes, "We could play soccer against them playing football." Shi-kyung is enlisted to act as interpreter for one student from Fiji, and asks some basic questions the includes whether he recognizes any of the cast members. The guy points to Hae-jin, which is not the expected choice, and then explains, "I saw him on Running Man." Hahaha.

girlfriday: Haha. The even funnier part is, he thinks Hae-jin is Park Ji-sung. Lol. Su-geun picks out one of the freshmen and gets him to confess to the girl he likes onscreen, which is really really cute.

javabeans: It's so cute and also so embarrassing. Like he's gonna back out with his football mates yelling, "Be a MAN!" Although… is Psy's "Gentleman" dance really the best mode of love confession delivery?

girlfriday: Uh, not exactly a serenade. Anyway, the boys decide to play a game against the team for some chicken, but have to figure out what they can play that's a fair fight.

javabeans: The proposal is floated to chicken leg fight (for chicken, lol) and the cast members grumble that they can't beat youth. They ask one kid how old he is (20) and say that Hae-jin (40) could be his father. The kid counters, "My father's a man, and I'm a man, and we're all men aren't we?" You can't argue with that logic.

girlfriday: So then they pick seven guys to chicken-fight, with each team defending a king chicken.

javabeans: I think our boys are going to get their asses whooped. Those football boys are AMPED! UP!

girlfriday: Yeah they're like 18, jocks, AND future cops. There's no chance in hell.

javabeans: Some of them are even doing backflips and somersaults and stuff. So now Jong-min feels like he has to show off… and embarrasses himself by falling. I love how the football boys are strategizing too, and that one fierce looking kid is all, "I'll take Gaksital."

girlfriday: Haha, these boys are cracking me up.

javabeans: The entire football team chants this rally cry as they huddle, and it's pretty impressive and intimidating. Our cast team is all, "Let's just say whatever. Make noise" and their chant sounds like Mumblegargleblahblahwheeeboonomnom! The caption gives us the translation: "I'm scared… I wanna go home…"

girlfriday: It's hilarious. Also, they totally drain all their energy doing the stupid chant!

javabeans: To absolutely nobody's surprise, the 1N2D team goes down pretty quickly, while the footballers remain impressively on their feet. They're super aggressive too.

girlfriday: Joo-won's the only one who gets near the other team's king, but eventually he goes down too. How is Tae-hyun still alive? Soon Shi-kyung goes down and they lose.

javabeans: They're so mismatched that New PD offers a chance to swap out three of the footballers, but the cast just swaps out the biggest guy for the manager, lol. And then at the last minute they decide to do this one-on-one instead of in one team effort, and that leads to scary footballer chasing Jong-min around the field, ha. Back to team fight. OHHHH this is where Joo-won injures his nose. I totally forgot about that.

girlfriday: Oh noes! Do I need to watch with my eyes closed?

javabeans: It's not bad, but since I knew the news ahead of time I realized the situation was more serious than I would have thought watching it blind. The game is going strong and it's all fun and games, until he bangs his face against somebody's head while going after the other team's king, and he walks off holding his face. He's crouched in the fetal position for a bit, but then he gets up to sit on the sidelines.

girlfriday: Oh, he's not unconscious.

javabeans: I wonder if they cut that out or if it hasn't happened yet, because they resume the game pretty quickly and it's all laughs again. Tae-woong even walks off holding his crotch, admitting that he ripped his pants.

girlfriday: Hahaha. Way to take my mind off of Joo-won's nose.

javabeans: Soon they're all pointing and insisting, "Hey look at this" with faces shoved in his crotch. But the game must go on, so they call for replacement pants and in the meantime huddle around him to… protect his modesty?

girlfriday: Those smiley-face cover-up graphics always have the opposite effect on me. Like, they're intended for modesty, but only make my imagination run wilder.

javabeans: Right? Like what's hanging out? When I'm sure it's really just a tiny rip.

girlfriday: They get back to the game and the footballer's king finally goes down, which means the score is tied. But they're all so exhausted. Can they even play another round?

javabeans: The last round is king versus king, and surprisingly Tae-woong lasts long enough to take down the youngun. They cheer the victory, and I notice that Joo-won is no longer in the background (though he is in the preview for next week). I guess they are just gonna cut around it.

girlfriday: Boo. He's there to hug Tae-woong when he wins, but after that he's just inexplicably absent. What the hell, Show?

javabeans: This week wasn't too bad, but I can't shake the fear I have for the direction of the show.

girlfriday: Yeah New PD is managing to ruin a formula that's been handed to him, and it's killing me.

javabeans: You know, six years is a long time to do a show. Just putting that out there.

girlfriday: Sadface.


  • 1 Night 2 Days: Episode 438
  • 1 Night 2 Days: Episode 437
  • 1 Night 2 Days: Episode 436
  • 1 Night 2 Days: Episode 435
  • 1 Night 2 Days: Episode 434
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Tags: 1N2D, Cha Tae-hyun, featured, Joo-won, Kim Jong-min, Lee Su-geun, Sung Shi-kyung, Uhm Tae-woong, Yoo Hae-jin